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ASUU Extends Strike Action By 8 Weeks


The Academic Staff Union of University (ASUU) has announced that it has extended the strike by eight weeks due to a lack of agreement with the government on their demands.

ASUU went on strike over what it described as a failure by President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration to implement a previous agreement on improving the quality of university education in the country.

Prof. Abdulkadir Muhammad Danbazau, an official with ASUU, said the decision to extend the deadline was to enable the government to reach a consensus, so that they do not have to go on strike again in the future.

He said eight weeks was enough for the current government to take appropriate action.

ASUU sees the strike as the last resort to force the Nigerian government to meet its demands

The Academic Staff Union of University (ASUU) has been on strike for a month since Monday, February 14.

The Lecturers’ strike in Nigeria has had a devastating effect on students who find themselves in a precarious situation, which is why some believe the union should change its approach to the conflict with the government and not necessarily through strikes.

According to some reports, ASUU has staged 15 strikes since the return of democracy in Nigeria in 1999, putting the education system in jeopardy.

Source; BBC News

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About Oluwaloseyi 5288 Articles
Sheynex is a News Writer, Editor and Content Creator at Exclusivebaze.com.ng. 🌠 Call/Whatsapp: 08076938557

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