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#BBTitans: Biggie Pairs Housemates As He Introduces Scary Rules

Big Brother has made some changes in the reality show as he introduces scary rules while paring all housemates after the sunday live eviction night.

The housemates paired will play as one and must take responsibility for each other while still in big Brother’s house until further instructions by Biggie.

The pairing has both male and female together as a couple, as the eviction of one housemate would affect the other; also, the strike or disqualification of one housemate would affect the other person.

According to the rules of the game, If a partner gets evicted, his/her partner also gets evicted: and If a partner get a strike his/her partner also gets a strike. Also, If one partner get disqualified, his/her partner gets disqualified.

According to big brother, the following are the rules of the pairing:

a. If a housemate is nominated for possible eviction, both the nominated housemate and his or her pairs will be up for possible eviction.

b. Henceforth all task are to be performed according to the pairing.

c. If a housemate is disqualified, his or her pair will also be disqualified.

The advantage of this pairing is that Housemates will not nominate their fellow Housemates base on Country since the show is between Nigeria and South Africa.

The Housemates have been paired as follows:

Thabang – Nana
Nelisa – Yemi Cregx
Juicy Jay – Olivia
Jaypee – Lukay
Justin – Yvonne
Tsatsii – Ebubu
Kanaga – Blue Aiva
Yaya – Marvin
Mmeli – Jenni O
Sandra – Theo Traw
Blaqboi – Ipeleng
Miracle OP – Khosi

According to Biggie, each team must come up with a name representing the pair by themselves, at most 8 letters, no special characters, and no number is required.

These BBTitans pairs are to stay paired till their stay in Biggie’s house to leave together and get evicted together, i.e., if a pair is disqualified, gets a strike or punishment, it affects the other partner, and both go together as the case may be.

As long as the pairing is valid, the housemates will be voted together when it’s time for voting.

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About Oluwaloseyi 5315 Articles
Sheynex is a News Writer, Editor and Content Creator at Exclusivebaze.com.ng. 🌠 Call/Whatsapp: 08076938557

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