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#BBTitans: Marvin And Yaya (MaYa) Evicted From Big Brother House

Marvin and Yaya BBTitans

Marvin and Yaya were on Sunday evicted from the Big Brother Titans show.

The pair, “Maya, was evicted during the live show on Sunday, having secured the least votes among the seven pairs nominated for eviction last week.

Recall that the pairs, YeLisa, and KanAiva, JuVonne, KhosiCle and BlaqLeng were nominated for eviction on Monday.

The Head of House, Thabana had saved the ‘Royals from nomination.

Here is how viewers voted, the Bottom 3 were Yelisa, Blaqleng And Maya

Here is how viewers voted, the Bottom 3 were Yelisa, Blaqleng And Maya

Asked how she felt, Yaya said she was disappointed about her eviction but was very lucky to have had Marvin as her partner. Marvin, for his part, said Yaya was Godsent. “I did not come with any strategy,” he said.

Asked who she was going to miss most, Yaya said: “This guy,” meaning Marvin, who was sitting beside her.

As usual, one of the hosts, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu threw shades and shook tables, revealing many secrets the housemates never knew about one another.

Marvin and Maya’s eviction did not come as a surprise. Their eviction came in the nick of time as the two housemates never really appealed to the fans throughout their stay in the house.

Aside from the fact that they lacked content and vibes, they failed to build a huge fan base, which is very important to survive in the house.

Yaya never really built a relationship with her fellow housemates and the fans outside, which really worked against her.

The same thing applied to her partner Marvin, who was never consistent and never had any foothold in the house. She was romantically linked with many housemates and couldn’t made up his mind whom to be serious with.

Last week, the Jenni O and Mmeli were evicted from the show.

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About Oluwaloseyi 5285 Articles
Sheynex is a News Writer, Editor and Content Creator at Exclusivebaze.com.ng. 🌠 Call/Whatsapp: 08076938557

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