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FASA President Elected As New Electoral Chairman For OOU SUG Election

ECO Chairman

In the midst of recent controversies surrounding the Olabisi Onabanjo University Student Union Government (SUG) and the Student House of Senates (SHS), the President of the Faculty of Arts Student Association (FASA), Comrade Ogunowe Emmanuel as being elected as new Chairman of the Electoral Committee (ECO).

The decision to elect Comr. Oowe as the new ECO Chairman comes at a time when both the SUG and SHS are grappling with internal conflicts and accusations as many students were hoping for an independent and impartial figure to oversee the upcoming SUG elections, given the current state of affairs.

The members of the Electoral Committee consist of all the Faculties President:

FASA President – Chairman

LAW President – PRO

FAMS President – Financial Secretary

Sagamu – General Secretary

Other Faculties/Campus President are elected as the Members of the Electoral Committee.

On the other hand, Comr. Oowe appointment highlight his extensive experience in student governance and his track record of advocating for student rights and welfare. They believe that his leadership skills and commitment to transparency will help restore confidence in the electoral process and address the pressing issues within the SUG and SHS.

The coming weeks will be critical for Comr. Oowe and the ECO Committee as they prepare for the next SUG elections. It is crucial that they demonstrate transparency and engage in open dialogue with the student body to rebuild trust and address the concerns surrounding the electoral process.

More details to follow….

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About Oluwaloseyi 5285 Articles
Sheynex is a News Writer, Editor and Content Creator at Exclusivebaze.com.ng. 🌠 Call/Whatsapp: 08076938557

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