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Ghanaian Chef, Faila Disqualified Following 227-hours Cook-A-Thon

Ghanaian chef, Faila disqualified following 227-hours Cook-A-Thon

Guinness World Records (GWR) disqualifies a Ghanaian chef, Faila Abdul-Razak in her endeavour to establish a new record for the longest cooking time.

Faila aimed to achieve the longest cooking marathon by an individual in a marathon that lasted for 10 days.

It’s worth noting that Faila initiated a 10-day cooking marathon on January 1st, 2024, at the Modern City Hotel in Tamale.

Faila cooked for 227 hours in an attempt to surpass the previous record of 119 hours and 57 minutes set by Irish chef Alan Fisher, who surpassed the previous record of 93 hours and 11 minutes held by Nigerian Hilda Baci.

However, updating her followers on Monday, Faila’s coordinator, Kafui Dey, announced that “a statement from the Records Management Team cited a violation of the rest break rules, resulting in an unsuccessful attempt”.

Acknowledging her fans despite the setback, the Ghanaian chef emphasized that she does not overlook their significant role in her journey.

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Sheynex is a News Writer, Editor and Content Creator at Exclusivebaze.com.ng. 🌠 Call/Whatsapp: 08076938557