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OOU: “Hold The Senate Leaders Responsible If There Is Any Breakdown Of Law And Order On Campus” – SUG CEC Warns

Olabisi Onabanjo University

In a stern statement issued recently, the Student Union Government Central Executive Council (SUG CEC) of Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) has sent a clear message to the university community that the Students’ House of Senate Leaders should be held accountable for any potential breakdown of law and order on campus.

The statement comes in response to concerns raised by students about the state of affairs on campus.

According to Comr. Feyisetan Adeogun, he said “Since the day of the Dissolution and beyond, I have decided to try my best as much as possible to keep issues relating to the Union off the media and the public, this is because issues like this happen overtime and they’re regarded as “Internal” issues and don’t need Unnecessary Fuss from any External Body or student.”

“It is Important to Emphasize to The General Public that the Representative of NANS on Every Campus, Usually regarded as Senator is the President of the Union, and it’s unfortunate that never did the leadership of NANS (Ogun) and myself have any discussion on this Issue, regardless of the fact that I am their direct contact on campus and I find it Funny to hear that the Senate President is calling on them for protest.”

The warning by the SUG CEC serves as a reminder of the importance of transparent and accountable governance within educational institutions.

“Let me Unequivocally state that, as the President of the Students’ Union of this institution, I am not informed of any Protest and I am not in support of anybody, Organization or people who want to use protest as a disguise to disrupt the existing peace in our institution.”

“The decision of having Faculty President as Electoral Committee Rep and Speakers and Petition Electoral Committee Rep was not in anyway the decision of the management but a resolution between REPRESENTATIVES OF CEC, SHS, and JUDICIARY, in addition with a 3 different meeting between The Vice Chancellor, Directorate of Students’ Affairs and The Faculty president and speakers.”

He also noted that The Unfound new Love for protest from A Senate President who has failed to constitute a proper house and dissolution and Convince the public about his Evil plans and place personal intentions over student interest is alarming and if not properly curtailed can destroy him.

In conclusion, he advise that all well meaning students of the institution to abstain from any behavior that could jeopardize the existing peace on Campus as no one should be used as destructive tool for meaningless protest, whose sole aim isn’t progressive in any manner but Retrogressive and aimed at Personal and Political gains.

He further advise the School Management through the Dean Students’ Affairs, and other Security Operatives to hold the Senate President, and other Leaders of the House solely responsible should any form of breach of peace happens on Campus.

“SECTION 19 of the Constitution of Students’ Union Government provides inter alia for TENURE OF OFFICE OF THE CEC as follow: Subject to the provision of this constitution, every members of the Central Executive Council shall hold his office untill; When his successor in office takes the oath of that office after a general election.”

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About Oluwaloseyi 5285 Articles
Sheynex is a News Writer, Editor and Content Creator at Exclusivebaze.com.ng. 🌠 Call/Whatsapp: 08076938557

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