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Schoolgirl Shot Dead By Russian Soldiers In Ukraine

School girl killed in ukraine-russia clash

According to Ukraine’s president, a schoolgirl was shot dead in Kyiv, raising the total number of children murdered in Russia’s invasion to at least 16.

Polina, who was nine or 10 years old at the time, was in her final year of primary school. According to reports, she and her parents were killed when Russian saboteurs opened fire on their family automobile.

According to the city’s deputy mayor Volodymyr Bondarenko, her sister is in intensive care and her brother is being treated at a children’s hospital following the attack in the capital’s northwest.

Ukraine reports that 45 children have been injured in addition to the killings five days into the invasion.

On Sunday, the country’s health ministry said at least 352 civilians have died. It is difficult to give exact figures, and it is believed many more have been killed or wounded. Millions of people have fled their homes.

This morning, dozens of civilians were killed and hundreds more injured in Russian rocket strikes on the eastern city of Kharkiv, Ukrainian officials said.

A seven-year-old girl was killed in an attack on a pre-school on Friday. Alisa Hlans was one of six persons who perished while seeking refuge in a nursery in the northern Ukrainian town of Okhtyrka.

According to Amnesty International, the Russian military deployed widely prohibited cluster bombs in the operation.

“It makes my stomach churn,” Amnesty International Secretary General Agnès Callamard remarked. “This should be looked upon as a war crime.”

Doctors in Mariupol, Ukraine’s southeastern city, were seen desperately trying to resuscitate a six-year-old child who had been injured by Russian shelling.

She was wearing bleeding unicorn-patterned pyjamas when she was taken to the hospital. A medic who was pumping oxygen glanced right into the lens of a video camera.

He said, “Show this to Putin.” “This child’s eyes, and doctors crying.”

The girl’s resuscitation attempt was unsuccessful.

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About Oluwaloseyi 5286 Articles
Sheynex is a News Writer, Editor and Content Creator at Exclusivebaze.com.ng. 🌠 Call/Whatsapp: 08076938557

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