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War: Europe Must Wake Up Immediately – Zelensky Confirms Shelling Of Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant

Ukraine President

Ukraine President, Volodymyr Zelensky, has urged Europe to wake up immediately.

Zelensky said this on Friday while confirming Russia’s shelling at Ukraine nuclear power plant overnight.

A fire burned for some hours at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, the largest of its kind in Europe, after shelling from Russian forces prompted widespread concern about the safety of Ukraine’s atomic infrastructure.

The blaze, located in a training building on the site’s perimeter, started early on Friday morning and was extinguished at about 6.20 am Ukraine time.

“Europe must wake up now,” Zelensky said in a video statement on Friday.

“The largest nuclear station in Europe is on fire. Right now, Russian tanks are shelling nuclear units. Those are the tanks that have thermal vision, so they know where they are shelling.

“If there will be an explosion, it will be the end to all of us, the end of Europe, the evacuation of Europe.

“Only immediate action of Europe can stop Russian troops and prevent the death of Europe from the disaster at a nuclear station.

“No country other than Russia has ever fired on nuclear power units. This is the first time in our history. In the history of mankind. The terrorist State now resorted to nuclear terror,” he said.

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About Oluwaloseyi 5287 Articles
Sheynex is a News Writer, Editor and Content Creator at Exclusivebaze.com.ng. 🌠 Call/Whatsapp: 08076938557

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